

i love women who can kick my ass

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arcane. jjk. csm. bleach. hxh. jgkrk. sakadays. sxf. fmab. bsd. op. kny. bllk. blp. tdg. pjo. got. hotd. thg. etc.


twenty one
any pronouns
non-binary lesbian

never spoiler/leak free. may or may not tag spoilers/leaks. not in any subtwt. will talk any of my interests. sometimes rt heavy. kms jokes. blocks freely.

basic dni criteria. under fourteen. support mspec lesbians. invalidate neopronouns or xenogenders. proshipper. otto apocalypse enjoyer.

honkai CL88. hsr TL43. genshin AR60. hades. ac saga. valo. elden ring. pgr. dark souls. tlou. apex. the witcher. ow. etc.

if i say anything wrong or makes u uncomfy, let me know through dms !